Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I swear, if I didn't know better I would think that gnomes were sneaking into my room at night to play lacrosse on my legs. That's the only thing that can explain all the bruises. I know that I'm a clutz and that I am physically incapable of walking in a straight line but I didn't really think that I ran into THAT many things. I woke up this morning and was putting on my shoes and noticed a real doozy of a bruise right across my ankle. I have no idea how I came by it. Occasionally I do something really stupid, like rolling off of my bed onto a trashcan. Those bruises I can understand. But really now, this is just getting ridiculous.

I have to go clean my kitchen.

1 comment:

Galad said...

Tag you are it! See my blog for instructions.